sad, mad, happy sad, mad, happy sad, mad, happy
Happy!! gosh what kind of question is that?? its not like your going to get mad at him for coming back!
be happy and playful and very loving of fashion! you'll become the perfect Alice Cullen!
you need to ask yourself am I feeling sad or happy or mad? why am i feeling this way/do i know what i usually act like?
im not saying that revenge is good or anything but if u want to get back at her if ur 18 and older sleep with one of her girlfriends but if ur 17 and under either act like u couldn't care less that she is mad at u or act like it makes u happy to have her mad at u. all of these work.
seals act when there mad all they really do is eat when they are mad
It depends on if you make it very mad
their eyes turn red when they get mad or when they are fighting a snake such as a cobra that is their natural enemy.
Insects do not have these feelings as humans do. Insects go by instinct. They do not get happy, sad or mad.
usually the bird would not cherp if mad it will cherp all the time if happy
YES, they can also be happy, sad, and stuff like that. Believe it or not emos are not ALWAYS depressed, you can be happy and mad but still be emo.