Unnecessary oil changes at 3,000 miles, when most manufactures recommend oil change intervals of from 5,000 to 10,000 miles. This probably wastes more oil than anything else. The only people recommending 3,000 mile oil changes are people making money off it or people stuck in the 50s.
Oil is wasted by many activities,by oil spills on sea,on sometimes burning.
A few drops of oil are wasted is correct. The subject is drops, and it is plural.
over infinady lets say
Every year.
She chose to flout the rules by arriving late to the meeting.
Oil is being produced 365 days a year.
For conventional oil change it every 3,000-5,000miles (refer to owner's manual) or every 6 months (2x a year).
Only about 20,000 barrels of oil is made every year. Well actually oil is not made but discovered it actually takes millions of years for oil to be made.
rancidity food are very wasted food for our health because there oil and oil are faty
yes change them every once a year
$0 The Permanent Fund Dividend comes from investments, which in turn are funded by taxes on the oil, and not the oil companies.
3,000 miliphantoms a year. It can be wasted by using 'BoBo' too much.