almost 809
Thrown Away was created in 1888.
thrown away.........
A thrown away child is a child that someone either just gives to an orphanage, thrown out on the street, or just ignored by the family.
When Avraham past away esav was blank and yakov was blank.
Each day, more that 3,000 nappies are thrown away.
I'm pretty sure all of it is thrown away sooner or later.
Your mum :p
90,000 cans are thrown away every minute by Americans ourselves.Sad, huh?
over 10,000 boat sails are thrown away, but this is usually due to damage.
Mostly the government but, other people could to. Things we can recycle are normally just thrown away.
Alot of things can be thrown away like broken toys, metal scraps, chip packets bottle lids and more