A mongoose should drink enough water to stay hydrated, just like any other living creature. They don't have a specific daily water intake like a robot, so just make sure they have access to clean water and let them drink as much as they need. And remember, a hydrated mongoose is a happy mongoose!
Yes, all types of mongooses can swim. Though the mongoose is primarily a land animal, some species of the mongoose live near the water, and are semiaquatic, and have webbed like feet. The Marsh mongoose, the Ring Tailed mongoose, and the Crab eating mongoose, either eat fish or amphibians in their diets, and part of their food resource are in water (either swamps, marshes, or sea water).
Not much In human portions not alot. But a gerbil will drink as much as it can.
no an energy drink is much worse for you than water
If you drink too much water you may suffer water toxicity which can be fatal.
A lot
You should drink as much water as you can. And continuing to drink a lot of water can prevent future ones, too.
Drink as much as you want boy.
what does a kiwi drink a day.
Drink n find out?
they drink more than500g
They mainly drink water, but some cats drink milk too.