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If we simple threw our rubbish out on to the streets, apart from being unsightly, mounds of rubbish would impede movement either on foot or by a vehicle. Even worse, rats would thrive, and diseases would become pandemic.

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Q: How would rubbish affect the eniroment i we didn't throw our rubbish in the bin?
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What to do when your neighbours throw their rubbish into your garden?

Throw it back in theirs ..

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What is the maximum distance that most users will walk to throw their rubbish into rubbish bins?

About 20feet or7metres

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That's a directive, not a question.

What happens to your rubbish you throw out?

the govament feed it to hobos and choke them

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people throw their rubbish into the rivers

What would happen if you throw rubbish in the water?

The water will get polluted.

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What does rubbish mean?

It means junk, waste, garbage, things you throw out.

Why did the citizens of ancient Greece throw rubbish into the street?

because they had monew

Where are thrown garbage?

where they throw the rubbish?they need to throw the rubbish in the bin and it is where it belongs!

Why do people just throw rubbish anyhow?

Because they are too lazy to recycle