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Steel cans can be recycled easily, but as they are magnetic can automatically be separated from garbage, so the user does not need to manually separate them like other recyclable metals.

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Q: Is an empty tuna can renewable?
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Is tuna nonrenewable or renewable?


Is tuna renewable or nonrenewable?


Is a tuna can renewable resource?

Yes a tuna can is a non renewable resource because it is metal. and metal can be reproduced in a long time

Are oceans a renewable resource?

Tuna and all fish are a renewable resource if they are fished sustainably, that is, if they are not overfished. Enough young fish must be left to grow and breed so there will always be more.

Is tuna renewable or nonrenewable source?

Tuna is a renewable resource because it can reproduce and replenish its population over time. However, overfishing and poor management practices can deplete tuna stocks and threaten their sustainability.

Is an empty mason jar an renewable resource?

No, a mason jar is not a renewable resource. It is not a natural occurring substance that can be renewed. Glass, however is a renewable resource.

What should you use as a base for a paper mache statue?

Use a empty, clean tuna can.

Is resourse an accepted spelling?

No, it is not. "Resourse" does not exist as a word in English.The correct spelling is resource.Some example sentences are:Solar power is a renewable resource.Another renewable resource is hydro power.The resource supply was empty.

Why is tuna called chicken of the sea?

Tuna is called tuna because tuna is fish. The breed of fish is called Tuna noooooo. ofcourse not. tuna is called tuna since the fish of tuna does not equal salmon so tuna can be sometimes defined as tuna rather than tuna so that the tuna species of tuna are tuna is like the tuna tuna . get tuna it? tuna? Haha very funny!! When I read it I was rolling on the floor in mirth! WHAT THE HELL IS MIRTH?

What is the plural form of tuna?

The plural of tuna remains tuna.

Is there rat in tuna?

there is no rat in tuna TUNA IS MADE OF FISH

How many tins of tuna can you get out of one tuna fish?

You can get four tins of tuna out of one tuna fish.