Friction can be both harmful and helpful. Without friction the tires of the bike could not push against the ground to move forward, and the brakes would not stop the bike. However, friction can cause parts of the bike and the tires to wear down. Also, to overcome the friction between the tires and the road you need to pedal harder to go faster.
friction is helpful to stop the bike when you put on the brakes but it may be harmful by slowing your speed down. and if you hit the brakes hard at a sudden moment, you could tumble or flip
Friction is harmful on a bike by causing wear and tear on the components like brake pads and tires, leading to replacements. It can also make pedaling more difficult, resulting in increased fatigue for the rider. Friction is helpful on a bike by providing the necessary grip between the tires and the road for stability and control. It also aids in slowing down the bike when brakes are applied.
Friction lets the drive wheel push you forward, and allows your brakes some bite. Friction make it possible to hold on to the bars. Friction lets you steer.
It is helpful when you stop it helps you from falling if we didn't have friction we would keep going and if you wanted to stop you couldn't,explain, we'll say your riding you bike and there is a car backing up and you can't stop well that's why we need friction so we can stop fast and quick
Yes, static friction occurs between the bike's tires and the road surface when riding. This friction helps the bike maintain traction and grip, allowing it to move forward efficiently and providing stability during turns and braking.
The forces acting on the bike is gravity, air resistance and friction.
applied, normal, and friction
Friction - several different kinds - and inertia. If riding uphill, also gravity.
Friction can be helpful by providing traction for walking, preventing objects from sliding on a surface, and allowing car brakes to stop a vehicle. However, friction can be harmful when it causes wear and tear on machinery, increases energy consumption, and generates heat that can damage objects.
Yes, friction CAN be harmful, depending on where it occurs. If you'd fall and scrub your knee, that's harmful friction. IF your shoes are chafing and yopu get a blister, that's harmful friction. In a machine, if a bearing becomes warm, that's harmful friction.
Riding a bike experiences rolling friction because the tires are in contact with the ground and the force needed to overcome the resistance of the surface and keep the wheels rolling creates this friction. The deformation of the tire as it grips the ground and the energy loss due to internal friction within the tire also contribute to rolling friction.
Friction on a bike can lead to wear and tear on components, such as brake pads or tires, reducing their lifespan. It can also cause a decrease in overall efficiency, making it harder to pedal and slowing down the bike. Additionally, excessive friction can generate heat, which may damage certain parts of the bike over time.
Between ground and tires and between brake pads and moving surface.