The symbol for Guanwei Recycling Corp. in NASDAQ is: GPRC.
The symbol for recycling is simply three arrows going in a triangular shape.
The symbol for China Recycling Energy Corporation in NASDAQ is: CREG.
at the recycling plant click on the big green recycling symbol
The recycling symbol is an internationally recognized symbol used to designate recyclable materials. The symbol is composed of 3 mutually chasing arrows that form a Möbius strip. The symbol was created in the year 1969 by Gardy Anderson.
Yeh its plastic
If the triangle is made up of three bent arrows, then it is a recycling symbol which means that the object is made of HDPE: high density polyethylene.If the triangle is made up of three bent arrows, then it is a recycling symbol which means that the object is made of HDPE: high density polyethylene.If the triangle is made up of three bent arrows, then it is a recycling symbol which means that the object is made of HDPE: high density polyethylene.If the triangle is made up of three bent arrows, then it is a recycling symbol which means that the object is made of HDPE: high density polyethylene.
Paper does not have its own chemical symbol but it is basically cellulose
The Mobius Strip adopted in the 1970's by the recycling industry taken from a design submitted by Anderson
The recycling sign or symbol has three arrows that form a circle. I have included a related link which is an image of this symbol.
im guessing you mean symbol of Islam. the symbol of Islam is the crescent moon and 5 pointed star.
The universal recycling symbol consists of three green arrows forming a triangle. The source of the symbol was a competition held in the United States in the early seventies to raise awareness for environmental issues. The winning contribution was contributed by Gary Anderson, and it is today known as the universal recycling symbol.