they get dumped in a land field
Australia: 56% of Australian waste either cannot be recycled, or is not recycled.
You should take it to a recycling store and recycle it. This is too general for a specific answer. Solid waste cannot be recycled until it is sorted. After sorting, some of it can be recycled easily.
Only about 7% of the total plastic used is recycled. However, it depends on the type of plastic. Some, such as PET drinks bottles, are recycled to a much greater degree (up to 35%) whereas others such as expanded polystyrene cannot be recycled at all.
Burried in land fills
people drink water after 3 people alredy have
Because the paper is impregnated with plastic (to make it waterproof) and cannot be recycled with 100% waste paper
=What happens to cardboard when it is not recycled=
garden can be recycled into fertilizer
are there any byproducts made from recycled human waste?
Waste to Energy Conversion is when you take waste (the combustible parts of household garbage, for example, that cannot be otherwise recycled) and burn it to run an electricity generator. Then you have used waste to make energy.