you mean like private parts? vagina
Another name for a baby girls is Anareiliz or Jessianiliz
guys and gals
for girls only: Ladies roomfor girls and boys: Lavatory
Their private
B-boys and b-girls
B-boys and b-girls
they do private stuff
You do have to wear an uncomfortable uniform and expectations are way higher, but mostly, private girls schools are nice and teach you a lot. Some people say that girls who go to private schools are stuck up but I have a few friends who go to private girls schools and they love it there. They admit that there are bullies and annoying girls but isn't that the case with most schools? So your question is, in a way, your answer. Why notgo to an all girls private school?
maybe maybe not because private school have lees students girls at private schools do . this is incorrect. I go to a private school and I have a lot of public school friends. All of our schools have a simular amount of gossip
private part of girls
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