

Best Answer

1. sanitary pit privy

2. bored-hole latrine

3. cat-hole

4. water-sealed latrine

5. chemical toilet

6. pail system

7. overhung latrine

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Q: What is excreta disposal without water carriage pit type?
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What is excreta disposal with water carriage?

Excreta disposal via water carriage is any time water carries away human waste. The most common example of this is through a plumbing system, with a flushing toilet.

What are the 7 classification of excreta disposal without water carriage?

excreta disposal without water carriage: 1. sanitary pit privy 2. bored-hole latrine 3. cat-hole 4. water-sealed latrine 5. chemical toilet 6. pail system 7. overhung latrine aimy^______^

What is the meaning of cat-hole in excreta disposal without water carriage?

It's just a hole in the ground. You dig a hole a foot or so deep, go to the bathroom in it, and fill it in.

What are the different aspects of excreta and sewage disposal?

The different aspects of excreta and sewage disposal include collection, transportation, treatment, and disposal of human waste and wastewater to prevent environmental contamination and public health risks. Proper sanitation practices are essential to ensure the safe management of excreta and sewage to protect human health and the environment. Improper disposal can lead to the spread of diseases and pollution of water sources.

Effects of disposal system with water carriage?

maybe the waster will get contact with ur water carraige and u will get water from it that's the time you get contact with the disposal sysystem

What do you mean by improper disposal of human excreta sewage?

Improper excerta and sewage contaminates the surrounding water resources in the area and the area around a water treatment plant that is not working properly. This improper treatment can cause run off poisoning the surrounding areas.

What is the definition of excreta and sewage disposal?

Sewage is water-carried waste, in solution or suspension, that is intended to be removed from a community. Also known as wastewater, it is more than 99% water and is characterized by volume or rate of flow, physical condition, chemical constituents and the bacteriological organisms that it contains. Excreta is human or animal feces, or waste. Human waste is usually flushed into the sewers where it is usually treated and purified.

What is the meaning of waste disposal?

Disposal of dirty water or contaminated water is known as water disposal

How do you deodorize a garbage disposal?

To deodorize a garbage disposal you can either put some baking soda in the drain and let it sit for a while or my favorite is to run lemon peels through the disposal after you do the dishes every night. You can use orange peels, too. Just make sure the pieces are small enough to run through without clogging it.

What is used to prevent a viral infection?

Use of mask prevent so many airborne viral infections. Use of sanitary disposal of human excreta and proper filtration and purification of the water, prevents the spread of so many water borne viral infections like hepatitis A. Use of simple exhaust fan in the office of the physician protect him from many airborne viral infections.

What is suilage?

suilage is waste that is disolved of excreta,it consist of waste water from kitchen,bathroom,laundary etc.

When was the first system built?

One of the earliest closet systems known occurred in the 19th century by way of a "pail closet". A pail closet was essentially a 19th century bathroom outhouse without any adequate water supply and were found in working class neighborhoods in England. They were constructed for the disposal of human waste under a "Rochdale" system of excreta removal though the use of pails. At this time, water closets were found only in wealthier neighborhoods. Eventually though, the water closet would replace pail closets.