Conserving is very good because you can save instead of waste it's a little like recycling
Recycling is very good for the environment.
Recycling is good for our world.........
its bad because when you recycle it it spreads out pollutents that can harm you.
because if there was no recycling the garbage will be so much and the cases will be very limited and bad smell will be in every were.
It Is Bad As We Are Running Low On Gas And Only Have 20 years of it left.
You can find good electronics for recycling by searching the free ads on
Anyplace that sells auto batteries will accept the battery for recycling. If it is bad there is no way to make it good. It is basically junk.
Protists can be both beneficial and harmful. Beneficial protists help with decomposition, nutrient recycling, and are important in aquatic food chains. However, harmful protists can cause diseases such as malaria and giardiasis.
Recycling is slightly bad because it cost too much money it takes too much time and it pollutes the air because of the recycling trucks. However:The positive thing though is recycling can help reduce stinking, methane emitting landfills, the best thing to do is to reduce reuse and recycle.