You would need to call your local government or the company who has the contract for your area. In most places I have lived, it is between $20 and $40 per month. A trip to the local landfill costs about $15.
The average American spends about $30 to $40 per month on garbage collection services. This cost can vary depending on location, the size of the household, and the level of service provided.
On average an household will spend about 50% on heating and cooling bills, 25% on lighting appliances and the reminder is split between various appliances like washing machine, dryer, TV etc. The average cost for a family of four is around $270 a month.
the average household spends around £100 a week on energy, a cost which could easily be reduced.
The average cost of electricity remains the same, whether or not the head of the household happens to be a single parent. The average cost of electricity per month per household in America is slightly above one hundred dollars.
55 to 85 dollars
The cost per mile for a garbage truck varies somewhat with the price of diesel fuel and the age and condition of the truck. On average, the fuel cost per mile for a garbage truck is about $1.33 if diesel fuel is selling for $3.99 per gallon. The trucks generally average 3 miles per gallon of fuel.
they cost usually about 500,000 dollars
The average cost per pound to move household goods is $100. This amount is used by big named moving companies, and may be lower for local moving companies.
That depends on your locality & what type of money you are using there.
Each person is different so it is difficult to give an average on household items. The average American spends about $100 a month on household supplies like laundry soap, hygiene items, and other necessities not including food and shelter.