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Q: What is unsorted waste?
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What will be the most probable arrangement of rock particles deposited directly by a glacier?

unsorted and not layered :)

What is an antonym for categories?

Unclassified, unsorted, whole...

What was the most probable agent of erosion that deposited the unsorted sediments in deposit b?

Glacial ice is the most probable agent of erosion that deposited unsorted sediments in deposit B. Glaciers can transport a wide range of sediment sizes and mix them together as they move, resulting in unsorted sediments.

What is the unsorted rocky debris left behind by a melting glacier?

The unsorted rocky debris left behind by a melting glacier is called glacial till. It is composed of a mixture of different sizes and types of rocks, deposited as the glacier retreats and melts, creating a diverse and unsorted collection of sediments.

What are unsorted sediments?

Unsorted sediments are deposits of rocks and minerals that are not arranged in any specific order or pattern. They are typically jumbled together by geological processes like glaciers or landslides, and can vary in size and composition. Unsorted sediments are often found near the source of their formation and can provide clues about past geologic events.

Which type of search is best for unsorted data?

Brute force.

Do kettle lakes contain sorted or unsorted sediments?


What sediments tend to form when transpoprted by water and wind?

unsorted deposition

Do sorted or unsorted materials have a higher porosity?

Unsorted materials generally have higher porosity compared to sorted materials. In unsorted materials, particles of varying sizes create more space between them, leading to higher porosity. In contrast, sorted materials have more uniform particle sizes, resulting in less pore space and lower porosity.

What Unsorted rocky debris that is formed by a melting glaciers is called?

Unsorted rocky debris that is formed during the melting of a glacier is known as a till. When there are many tills that are present the sediment that is deposited forms a till plain.

What are unsorted deposits?

Unsorted deposits refer to sedimentary deposits that have not been sorted or arranged by size or weight. This means that the particles or materials within the deposit have not undergone any sorting process based on their characteristics, such as size, shape, or density. Examples of unsorted deposits include moraines left by glaciers or alluvial fan deposits.

Can you use a sequential search on an unsorted array?

Sequential search is the only way to search an unsorted array unless you resort to a multi-threaded parallel search where all threads concurrently search a portion of the array sequentially.