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The drain is clogged! The situation is either the 20' snake was not long enough to reach the clog or, another equal possibility is that the snake went through the clog then the clog re-sealed behind the snake. This is quite common with grease or sludge type clogs. How long is the pipe before you get to a larger clear pipe? will 20" reach it? Is it just a hand snake you are using? Are you ready for a pro to take over? Trust me he will make it look easy! either your branch line is longer than 20' and you need a longer snake or the clog is in your main line and it needs snaked

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Q: What is wrong if your sink drain seems clogged and you used a 20 ft snake and nothing is in the pipe but if you pour two cups of water in the drain the water will not go down?
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By going through the TRAP co

What is the best thing to use for a clogged drain a plunger or a snake?

The best thing to do is to use a plunger first. Plungers will take care of most clogged drains but if you have a serious clog try using a snake.

How do you empty a clogged tub filled with acid drain cleaner?

Use a snake and unclog the drain PROPERLY. Do it quick before everything is eaten away on the tub and drain.

How can you clean out clogged drain line from roof vent to kitchen sink when you cannot open the cleanout?

Take your snake on the roof and clean the drain from the vent.

How to unclog a basement shower drain that is clogged with cement?

Run a snake down it to see where the clog is, cut out the floor, remove that section of pipe, replace it and pour a new floor. There is nothing that is going to dissolve the cement. You could try scraping at it with the snake. May be loose enough to dislodge and get down the drain, but I wouldn't count on it.

How can I repair my clogged drain?

Well there are many ways you can repair or fix your clogged sink. One is to by a snake it is like this long tube you can stick down the the drain of the clogged sink and pull the gunk right on up. There is also another solution you can easily buy liquid plumber. Then there is the simple method the plunger.

Do professionals use Draino?

Most professional plumbers don't use household chemical drain cleaners. If a drain is clogged badly enough to call a professional, it is usually necessary to make use of a drain snake.

Unclog Your Sink With A Plumbing Snake?

Clogged drains in the kitchen and bathroom can prove to be a problem. After you have tried liquid drain cleaners with no luck, try a plumbing snake. The snake is inserted into the drain and goes only a certain depth. If there is any kind of clog into the drain, it will either push it through the plumbing system or you can pull the clog out with the snake. Make sure that you are using the end of the plumbing snake that has the small hook on the end so you can easily pull anything out of the drain that may be stuck in it.

How does a drain cleaning snake work?

A drain snake is a device used to unclog drains. A drain snake has a long, flexible metal cable, with a corkskrew auger or blades attached to the end, and is rotated in a downward spiral into a drain until it reaches a clog, then the corkscrew auger ideally displaces the clog as if "chewing" away at it.

In what instances might one need the use of a snake camera?

One would typically need a snake camera when they have a clogged drain. The camera can go down and show where the clog is and what it is made of. Snake cameras are also used to look into the sewer to check for problems.

Drain Cleaning Snake?

form_title= Drain Cleaning Snake form_header= Problems with your drain? Get a snake. Have you ever used a drain snake before?*= () Yes () No Do you often have problems with drainage?*= () Yes () No How old is the plumbing?*= _ [50]

What does it mean if your toliet is clogged and water is coming up through the tub and shower drain?

It means that your main drain line is clogged downstream from where your drain from your tub ties into your toilet drain and the problem can be a hundred of different reasons. The first thing I would check is your clean out (if you have/find one) outside of your home usually within 2 to 5 feet from your outside wall. If you do find the clean out then take off the clean cover and see if your clean out pipe is full of sewage ( becareful of taking off clean out cover because it might have a lot of pressure behind it if clogged) If you can not find a clean out then if possible wait till the tub drains and then use a shop vac to vacuum out the toilet and then pull the toilet and snake down the toilet drain or if you find a clean out then snake down the clean out. When you run a snake down the clean out or toilet drain if possible run water down it too while you snake the drain line. Most drain lines do not plug up if they are plumbed in right which means have the right grade and have the right fittings so back to your question this could be possible that you have a problem in your drain line and I would (after you clear the line) check it with a camera other wise you might have to snake out your drain line often.