There usually is a day each week for picking up trash by trash collecting companies. People in rural areas might have to have their trash picked up only once a month. Other companies in remote rural areas might require that the homeowner call every time they need trash collected.
In the US, trash that is not recycled is usually incinerated and made to produce electricity or landfilled. Over time, landfills will produce methane gas that can also be captured and used to fire generators for electricity.
Your car may stink like trash if you throw trash on the floor and don't dispose of said trash for a long time in between.
Not all the time. It depends on tons of stuff.
how was trash disposed 1000 years ago
Yes, you can see a trash can (bin) at any time (as long as it is not too dark).
Dig in the trash for food.
12AM CST on Cartoon Network .
If you have closed the page on which you were browsing then it is impossible for u to read the deleted mail. Other wise you can read it by going back on the previous page. With most email programs, deleting an email moves the message from the current folder into a folder designated for deleted emails. The folder is usually named "trash" or "garbage". Normally, you can come back later, access/read the message and move it out of the trash folder. Messages in the trash folder are retained until a threshold is reached such as a retention time or maximum email count and then are purged from the trash folder.
when do groundhogs come out to eat
Dig in the trash for food.
Usually in March, especially on St. Patrick's day