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What we know as the modern bicycle was not invented until the 1860's, but there were earlier types of inventions that resembled it.

The célérifere, later called velocipede, is said to have been built by the French nobleman Comte de Sivrac in 1791. It had no forks and so could not not be steered in the normal way. Instead a shift in body weight to one side or the other allowed a turn. It is now believed that it had 4 wheels, not 2.

The first transport that resembled the modern bicycle was the "running machine" (Laufmaschine) invented in 1817 and patented in 1818 by Karl von Drais, a German Baron. The English name was the draisine, and it consisted of a seat between two wooden wheels, which one could push along, then coast. A version called the hobby horse was sold during 1818. Another early bicycle pioneer was Denis Johnson, who in 1819 improved the "coasting machine" by adding iron fork mounts to the wheels and improved steering.

The invention of the first pedal-driven bicycle is debated. Three recognized French inventions between 1860 and 1866 were by Ernest Michaux, Pierre Lallement (front-pedal), and Alexandre Lefebvre (rear-pedal). An earlier Scottish pedal version in 1839 by Kirkpatrick McMillan is of questionable authenticity.

Later bicycles (penny farthings) had pedals attached to a much larger front wheel, and were difficult and dangerous to ride. Chain sprocket drives were developed for the modern "safety bicycles" which had wheels of the same size. The first version of what is essentially today's bicycle (the Rover) was by John Kemp Starley in 1885, and was never patented.

There's a recurring claim that Da Vinci invented the bicycle - or at lest had made drawings of something bicycle-looking. But closer examination has shown these sketches to be forgeries added at a much later date.
in the year 1896
In the early 1800's. See the related link below for more information.
In the early 1800's. See the related link below for more information.
In 1817 what did first bicycle look like

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10y ago

Same way most inventions are done.

A man with an idea got together with someone who could build what he described. Later someone else thought of an improvement and found someone to build a slightly different version, which has kept happening ever since.

The earliest bicycle was a wooden scooter-like contraption called a celerifere; it was invented about 1790 by Comte Mede de Sivrac of France. In 1816, Baron Karl von Drais de Sauerbrun, of Germany, invented a model with a steering bar attached to the front wheel, which he called a Draisienne. It has two wheels (of the same size), and the rider sat between the two wheels, but there were no pedals; to move, you had to propel the bicycle forward using your feet (a bit like a scooter). He exhibited his bicycle in Paris on April 6, 1818.

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12y ago

The bicycle frame was invented at the same time as the bicycle, you just can't have one w/o the other.

See the related question for more info.

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11y ago

Wheels had been around for quite some time, but they didn't become bicycle wheels until someone invented the bicycle.

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4y ago

Hey Mate Follow this ... www dot exploratorium dot edu/cycling/frames1.html

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13y ago

Sometime in the 1900s...

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