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Yes. Severe over inflation will result in the tire un-beading and blowing off the rim, or even bursting. If this happens while you are on the bike a crash likely will result. Regardless of crash involvement, as the inner tube is blown off the bike, it is usually damaged beyond repair. The result is you have to buy a new tube, and possibly also a new tire. Mild over inflating does decrease rolling resistance (how much energy it takes you to get the tire moving and keep it moving), but, will result in a "harsher" ride. Propper inflation of the tire at factory ratings is always the safest idea for novices. More experienced riders may slightly underinflate or overinflate their tires for terrain, weather, and/or race day reasons. If a tire's beads hasn't seated symmetrically all round the rim, controlled, intentional overinflation can help settle the bead. Once the tire has popped into place the pressure should immediately be reduced to the recommended value. YES. I have a friend who would inflate our tires prior to a run. Several respected makes and models failed along the side wall. We discovered that he was pumping the pressure up to 160 psi then releasing it down to maximum statedon the tire say 120 psi. This overstressed the fibres in the carcass and they eventually failed. He did this with an XP frame pump!

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12y ago


Usually, you'll blow the tire off the rim, or burst it before there's any damage to the wheel as a whole. But if you're using rim brakes, the sidewall AKA brake track of the rim will get thinner and thinner over the years, particularly if you ride in dusty/muddy conditions.

It does happen that people with worn rims will notice the sides of the rims folding outwards due to tire pressure.

I guess it's theoretically possible to have a wheel that's built with such high spoke tension that high inflation on top of that would cause it to go out of true, but I've never heard about it happening.

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16y ago

Because inflatable tyres ride more comfortably than "solid" ones. They're lighter too, so despite the risk of punctures they're still the no 1 choice for most people.

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Is friction increased with inflated tires?

No, when your tire is at the optimum recommended pressure friction is least.- You will notice this most on bicycle tires, when pressure is low, it's harder to pedal. I pump my bicycle tires to 45 psi and have a smooth, fast ride.

Do the bmx tires have to be solid?

No. While available, solid bicycle tires - whether for BMX or for any other type of bike - are very rare. But you do need tyres that arae in reasonably good condition and properly inflated.

What should you do before riding a bicycle?

Make sure that the bike is in working condition, that the chain engages properly, that brakes work, that tires are decently inflated and in good shape.

Who is the inventor of inflated tires?

George Dunlop.

Do automobile tires float?

Yes. If inflated.

Is it harder to ride a bike with fat tires?

No, if the tires are inflated to correct pressure it may be easier.

What causes tires to wear fast on a big rig?

Misaligned axles, bad mounts on the tires, improperly inflated tires.

What material is used to manufacture Continental bicycle tires?

The material that is used to manufacture Continental bicycle tires is rubber made from the Uniroyal company or other companies that specializes in supplying rubber for bicycle tires. To get a more specific answer to the question, a visit to the local bicycle shop can render an answer.

Do under inflated tires wear out more quickly?

Yes they do.

Could under inflated tires cause heat that could lead to tire blowouts?

Yes, under-inflated tires are dangerous. They can also leave the rim under heavy cornering.

How do you tell age of bicycle tires?

Basically, you can't. Car tires comes with year of manufacture printed (in code) on them, but no such thing for bicycle tires. What you can do is judge them for dryness, mount& inflate them, and look for cracks.

How do you improve your gas mileage with tires?

Keep them properly inflated and balanced.