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because there such a low life if they have to go to a school to do it

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Q: Why did people throw bins through your windows?
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Related questions

What do people put in plastic bins?

Plastic bins are used for storage or trash. People use plastic bins to throw away items and food particles they no longer want. That is the main function of a plastic bin.

What causes people to dump their waste in the ocean?

People might litter in the oceans because there is not bins to throw the trash away.

Why do you think people throw litter on the streets?

The reasons for that vary a lot: * There are no wastebaskets or recycling bins around. * Someone doesn't care about the cleanliness of the streets and the environment. * Someone doesn't know why he/she shouldn't throw litter on the streets.

What is the maximum distance that most users will walk to throw their rubbish into rubbish bins?

About 20feet or7metres

Why is it illegal to go through others garbage?

it is illegal to look through people's bins because it could hold old letter's with important information and address's and other information.Also people will not accept their bins and trash being messed with so that's why... PL Z FOLLOW ME AND LIKE MY INFORMATION FROM DOOGER JAM

Why do things like paper and plastic go in different recycling bins?

Because they're recycled in different ways. It's easier for you to sort them as you put them in the bins than it is for the people at the recycling center to sort through the tons that they get every day.

Where did the first people settle when they came to Manchester?

in the bins

Why are bins called bins?

because they are bins

How can you preserve the pristine glory of mountainsides?

their environment should be coserved

Who lives in a bush and goes through bins each night?

Lucy Curtis

How Log Have People Been Homeless?

since bins were invented

How can river pollution be stopped?

It's really simple. One thing people can do to stop river pollution is to stop throwing junk into rivers like pop cans, cigaretts and other things.