Hamsters don't really smell. If you clean them out once a week then they shouldn't have a bad odor! There isn't a difference between their smell depending what sex they are! Hope it helped!
I you clean their cages about every week they don't really. If you don't clean their cages within 2 weeks they can smell pretty bad, and their cage will have food scattered all over the cage, and it will look messy!
Turkey giblets have a unique smell, but should not really smell bad or rotten while cooking them. If they smell really bad, the meat may not be good any longer.
Really bad man.
yea really really bad
no it is not bad
Oh its not good at all, they smell like rotten eggs or really really bad like the mushroom farm.
it only smells bad if you have a yeast infection....go see your dr.
Yes really bad
Really. If you smell bad you are still going to smell bad. Think about it. Pigs roll in mud . They are well moisturized. How do they smell?
farts smell really bad
really bad B.O