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They use a bar code reader to make sure that the cans are coming from the same province. The deposit is different in different provinces so they check to make sure someone is not bringing in cans from a cheaper province to try and get a higher amount.

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Q: Why does Canada not accept crushed pop Beer cans for recycling?
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What materials do recycling services accept or even pay for?

There are many materials. Usually, recycling services pay for specific materials like ink cartridge, more generally, soda cans and beer bottles.

Where can you buy fix beer in the US and Canada?

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What beer do they have in Canada?

Yes they do have beer in Canada, one of the famous brands is Labatt Blue.

Did Canada invent beer?

No, Canada did not invent beer. Beer has been brewed and consumed for many thousands of years, long before Canada existed as a nation. Beer was consumed even in the very earliest Mesopotamian civilizations.

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Where is Coronita beer sold in Canada?

Coronita beer is the smaller version of Corona beer. In Canada, Coronita beer can be purchased in virtually every local liquor store and also can be found on occasion in grocery and convenience stores.

Does the beer store accept American express gift cards?

No. they do not

How much does a liter of beer cost?

In Canada a litre of good beer is approximately $9.50.

How much money would you get recycling a pound of beer cans?

It depends on how much a pound of aluminum is going for. The fact that they're beer cans won't make any difference.

Are there serperate wine stores in Canada like there are seperate beer stores?

Yes, there are serperate wine stores in Canada like there are seperate beer stores. You can usually see them at the border between US and Canada.

What types of vegetation do you have in Canada?

Beer and maple leaves