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The steam engine was made to get people and thier goodies to the west and many other places too.

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Q: Why was the steam engine made?
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What is the Steam Engine made of?

the steam engine is made of dead bodies blood and milk

Why was the steam engine improved and who made the steam engine?

Robert Fulton.

Who designed the 1st steam engine?

pavan ranaweera made the 1st steam engine

Which engine was made after the invention of the steam engine?

diesel engine

Where did the idea of a steam train come from?

the steam engine came from the greeks and then the europeans made it for trasportation.

When was the first reliable steam engine made?

The first practical steam-powered 'engine' was a water pump, developed in 1698 by Thomas Savery.

When was the first steam engine made and working?

The first practical steam-powered 'engine' was a water pump, developed in 1698 by Thomas Savery.

Who was the Scottish inventor of the first efficient steam engine in 1765?

In 1765, James Watt made improvements to the Newcomen engine, which was inefficient but the best steam engine of its time.

Why did someone invent the steam engine?

it made life easyer.

When was the first steam engine made?

the first engine was made in 1878 by a company called burrell. in 1967 it was found in a bush in dorset and it has been at the great dorsetn steam fair since 2007.:)

What year was the invention of the first steam engine locomotive?

The first steam engine locomotive was invented in 1813. George Stevenson built the engine when he was twenty years old. The engine was made entirely by hand.

Who made the steam powered locamotive?

George Stephenson is considered to be the inventor of the first steam locomotive engine for railways.