Diner Dash is a great virtual game where you serve food to waiting customers! In the game you play the waitress that serves the food to the coming customers! It's fun and stays active!
Food is important in virtual world games. For example, in Runescape, food is vital for your health. Since health does not regenerate, food is vital for surviving the onslaught of attacks from people.
Rainbowdressup.com, mideastfood.about.com are the ones I found. I have not used thee sites yet but I am sire you will find what you are looking for in virtual cooking games.
I've played virtual dog games and I'm going to say yes to it i played the virtual games on myspace that is where you can find the virtual games
Girlgamezone is a games website for girls, focused on virtual games, 3d, Sims, and virtual worlds and games arcade.
Popular virtual surgery games include Surgery Squad, Edheads, Virtual Knee Surgery and Operate Now. One can find these games, and more, on websites such as Hospital Games and The Games List.
There are several games on the market and online that offer virtual pets as the focus of the game. Video games such as Nintendogs features puppies as virtual pets, as well as video games in the Pokemon series of video games.
virtual famillies
Neopets is a good virtual pet game.
Some fun virtual games are: Onverse MiniClip.com Stardoll.com Girlsense.com Addictinggames.com
Probably the top ten virtual world games!SmallworldsBinweevilsclub penguinmoshi monstersWebkinzPandandamydinosStardollIMVUPoptropica
www.imvu.comwww.webkins.comwww.tinierme.comwww.gogoddess.comwww.habbohotel.comwww.zwinkycuties.comwww.missoandfriends.comwww.candystand.comwww.woozworld.comwww.disnep.comwww.pixiehollow.comwww.secondlife.comwww.xivio.comTry it all its all cool virtual games....
get a virtual snail at ziggysworldgame.webs.com or a horse at howrse.com