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you can't.

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Q: How do you put on jewelry on your character on marapets?
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How do you put on jewelry on marapets?

You can't put on Jewelry.

How do you put pets to sleep on marapets?

You can put it in a Hotel or in your marahome.

How do you reduce your pets tiredness on marapets?

put it in bed

How do you dress up your marapets character?

Sorry, this question has not been answered yet!

In marapets how do you put an item in your shop?

Click the [shop] link when an item is in your inventory.

How do you fix the sidewalk of your house on marapets?

just buy a shovel and put in in your tool box

Where do you get crystals on marapets?

You can obtain crystals on Marapets by completing quests, battling in the Battle Arena, exploring the Undying Woods, participating in events, and purchasing them from other users in the Trading forum.

How to restock clothes on marapets?

To restock clothing, you simply by clothing from the main shop and put it into your user shop.

How do you get to MArapets?

You go to the the marapets website. It's a fun virtual pet world. Its a free sign up, to get there go to the marapets website.

Where can you find Marapets passwords?

Marapets has no passwords required, unlike Neopets.

How do you get opponents on marapets?

You buy trading cards and you click use item and put it in your battle deck and then you now have an opponent!

In marapets how do you put your pet to sleep?

you put a bed into your house. then, go to your house and click on the bed. a thing should pop up where you can select which pet you want to put to sleep.