If you have smaller perches, the doves cannot land on them. Doves will feed on the ground, however. You might also try changing the type of seed you're using.
you dont . doves are signs of peace.
We placed a rubber snake in the mailbox that they kept trying to nest in and it scared them off.
Just scare it away OR you can build another bird feeder This is not an answer. We have several feeders and they fly to all of them and keep all the birds away. Obviously you're not an expert. According to the staff at WBU--stop using black oil sunflower seeds--in fact clean out the feeders to no smell or residue is left. I did this and almost all my cowbirds are gone. They are feeding on what they find that was left on the ground. I had dozens and now it is down to a couple every now and then
That is simple. Get rid of your cat. (or whatever else is killing the birds)
lions do not get rid of their own ticks. a bird may pull them off.
Remove the dead birds
Just gain weight.
You can use bird netting. It is barely visible to the naked eye, therefore not detracting from the building.
Then you must somehow get rid of the corpse.
u have 2 turn the light on the lighthouse
Use the sardines you found in the tunnel at the prison.