Second Life was originally called Linden World and was created in 2001 by Linden Lab. It was at first designed as a shooting based game. In 2002 it was decided to change the name to Second Life and was opened to the public. Prior to 2002 the world was only accessible to Linden Lab staff.
Steller Sunshine, Second Life's first resident joined on March 13th 2002.
No, Second Life is not suitable for a nine year old.
the second life of 11 year old boy is in his mind.
No, second life is for 18- older. Teen second life is for 13-18 though...... :).
No, full access to the Second Life grid is not for an 8 year old. This is due to the adult and mature content found in some areas.
you have to be 11-29 to change life if on the computer or 18-30 in real life.
You will get a second life if you believe in Jesus and your body would rot.
No, Second Life is not safe for an 8 year old girl. Users must be at least 18 years of age to access the full Second Life site. Users under the age of 18 and above the age of 13 are allowed limited access in accordance with Linden Lab terms and conditions. The Second life virtual world grid contains many areas of an adult nature.
12 in the 1st season, 13 in the second.
it is one get a life second get a girl then get a peice of pie
Yes...Even 1 second of life in the year qualifies. Congratulations.
i second year old