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If it looked like a big European Starling it was probably an Indian Hill Mynah. They are breeding in a number of cities in the US, especially in So. Florida. Probably other places, as well.

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The male Red-headed Barbet fits this description. It is a spectacular sight, found in Costa Rica, Panama and the Andes Mountains.

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Orange-Headed Thrush

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Q: What kind of bird is brown with a orange or red head?
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What kind of bird has a green iridescent body with a brown head?

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What kind of bird is orange?

Orioles, Tanagers, and Orange Bishops are mostly orange. Some hummingbirds are also a rusty orange/brown.

What kind of bird has a brown body with a red or orange head?

Sounds like a male House Finch. The females do not have color, but multiple fine stripes on their sides.

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I think it is most likely the Baltimore Oriole Bird, because it has a orange tail and the head is kind of what you meant. I hope this helped. :)

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What kind of small bird in Virginia has a red head and brown body?

A house finch.

What kind of bird hasBlack wings white body black head big orange beak?

Puffin maybe

What kind of snake in northern Michigan has a redish orange belly and brown back with dark brown stripes also a light brown head with a pattern on it?

it is a pyaton

What kind of bird has a brown body and dark head?

There are far too many birds like this to identify this bird. You need to describe it in more detail - such as its size and bird type.

What kind of bird has yellow and black body and red orange head?

the bird is called an American goldfinch. we have a billion of them and they love thistle.

Which kind of bird likes bird seed the best?

brown and white