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If it was with a group of other birds and had a tiny reddish mark near its eye, it was probably a Cedar Waxwing.

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probably a great crested flycatcher

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Q: What kind of bird is gray with a yellow belly and pointed crest?
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What kind of bird has tail feathers with bright yellow tips and is a little bigger than a sparrow It also has a pointed crest like a cardinal but not red?

The bird you are describing sounds like a Cedar Waxwing. They have distinctive yellow-tipped tail feathers and a pointed crest on their heads. They are slightly larger than a sparrow and are known for their sleek appearance and high-pitched call.

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The Goldcrest is the smallest bird in the UK. It is a tiny, lively greenish bird with a yellow crest on its head.

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The common black bird with a crest is the European blackbird. It has a distinctive yellow-orange eye-ring and a long, slightly curved beak.

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The cast of Yellow Belly End - 2009 includes: Simon Munnery as Bird

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I think your talking about a yellow-bellied sapsucker.

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The Gouldian finch has a red head and yellow belly. They are native to Australia. Any Gouldian finch in North America is an escaped pet.

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