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Q: Who saw the Ghost of King Hamlet first?
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Hamlet is the only character who sees King Hamlet's ghost throughout the playTrue or False?

False. At the beginning of the play, Bernardo and Francisco also saw the ghost. They were the first ones stated to have seen the ghost of Hamlet's father.

Who killed Hamlets father?

when hamlet saw his father's ghost, the ghost said that hamlet's uncle (which he was king during that time) put poison in hamlet's father's ear while he was sleeping so he could become king. so it was hamlet's uncle

Who saw the ghost first hamlet or Horatio?

Horatio, in Act 1 scene 1. Hamlet doesn't see it until scene 4. It has to be this way because in scene 2 Horatio tells Hamlet that he has seen the Ghost.

What is does the king tell hamlet?

i saw the goast of your father

Where did the ghost appear in Hamlet?

In the first Scene, Act I scene 1, the Ghost is seen by sentinels at a platform outside the castle. (The "platform" is a raised area, an earthen mound, that gives an elevated viewing position. In performance, stage or movie, the first scene is often set on the castle ramparts, but Shakespeare's dialogue explicitly contradicts that.) In Scene 4 (Act I scene 4) the Ghost is seen by Hamlet, Horatio, and Marcellus, again at the platform. In Scene 5 (Act I scene 5) the Ghost is still being seen by Hamlet, alone now, at some distance from the platform. (This scene is probably set in or near the graveyard, but the location is not explicit in the dialogue, and identifying the setting as the graveyard relies on subtle details of interpretation.) In Scene 11 (Act 3 scene 4), the Closet Scene, the Ghost is seen by Hamlet (but not by Gertrude) in Gertrude's private room. So, overall, the Ghost appears in four Scenes, at three locations. If the questioner only wanted to know where the Ghost first appears, the answer is: at the sentinels' platform. And that happens in the first Scene.

Who are Hamlets friends?

Horatio is Hamlet's most trusted friend. Hamlet tells him everything about the ghost that he saw and the plans for revenge that he has against Claudius. Laertes is also one of Hamlet's friends but they fight during the play because of what Hamlet did to Ophelia and because Hamlet killed Polonius.

Why are the guards so nervous and jumpy at the opening of the play?

haha oh, because this is in "science" you must be talking about Hamlet it's because they just saw the ghost of Hamlet's father, Chet

What color was the ghost of king Hamlet's beard?

I believe the beard was grizzled. and grey.

Who saw the first ghost?

Harry Price

What happened when the first ghost was sighted?

Who could ever say they saw the first ghost that was ever sighted, I suppose a lot of us would actually wonder if what you saw was infact a ghost or a figment of your imagination, if a ghost was ever first sighted you would probably have to go back to cavemen days, maybe he saw a ghost dinosaur!!

What is a good play beginning?

Hamlet is a good example of a play's beginning: the sentries challenge each other on the cold, dark night; Marcellus tells the disbelieving Horatio about the ghost's past appearances, leading to the appearance of the ghost itself, and the vow to tell Hamlet what they saw. Oedipus has a good beginning, with the people coming to the king to beg for him to do something about the plague which is ravishing the city and him vowing to lift the plague.

Who is Claudius and why does Hamlet dislike him so much?

Claudius was the brother of old King Hamlet (father of Prince Hamlet the hero of the play). When King Hamlet died, Claudius became king and married his widow Gertrude (Prince Hamlet's mother). Hamlet felt that it was too soon after his father's death for them to marry and also there used the idea that your husband or wife siblings were your siblings so to marry them was a kind of incest. So Hamlet wasn't very keen on his uncle to begin with - then he saw his father's ghost and found that Claudius had murdered his father. Read the play or at least see the film - the one with Mel Gibson isn't bad. Or read the prose version in Lamb's Tales from Shakespeare. It is worth studying properly.