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False. At the beginning of the play, Bernardo and Francisco also saw the ghost. They were the first ones stated to have seen the ghost of Hamlet's father.

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Q: Hamlet is the only character who sees King Hamlet's ghost throughout the playTrue or False?
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Is Hamlet the only character who sees King Hamlet's ghost throughout the play?

No in the opening scene Horatio, Hamlets friend, sees the ghost, along with two sentries, Marcellus and Bernardo. The Sentries have seen the ghost on previous nights and have called Horatio to see it too.

Who is ophelia in Hamlet?

Ophelia is hamlets love interest.

Who is the friend of shakespeare in hamlet?

Hamlets friends are Rosencrantz, Guildenstern and Horation. However throughout the play Rosencrantz and Guildenstern turn against Hamlet (not going to spoil how!) which leads to their downfall. Horation never goes against Hamlet, he is always there for him when Hamlet needs him. Hamlet is the best play by Shakespeare!!

What is Hamlets father called?

Hamlet senior

What is the collective noun for Hamlet?

There is no specific collective noun of hamlet, in which case, use an appropriate noun suitable for the situation, for example a region of hamlets, a coalition of hamlets, an enterprise of hamlets, etc.

Who agrees to tell Hamlets story in Hamlet?

Hamlet asks Horatio to recount his tale.

What is Hamlets homeland?

Denmark. You can get this from the title of the play: "Hamlet, Prince of Denmark".

Who is the first character to be kill in Hamlet?

King hamlet, hamlets real father is already dead, poisened by claudious before the play begins, he is the ghost. then hamlet accidentally kills polonious.

Who was Hamlet's wife?

Hamlet Sr. was married to Gertrude. Hamlet Jr. did not marry although he did love Ophelia.

Who was Murdered before play begins?

Hamlet's father is murdered by Claudius (Hamlet's uncle).

What line is to be or no to be that is the question on?

It's from Hamlets soliloquy in Hamlet by W Shakespeare.

Who was named king after Hamlets father died?

Hamlet's uncle Claudius.