IMS Health was created in 1954.
The population of IMS Health is 7,600.
IMS Health does provide information services for the healthcare industry. You may search for or even contact IMS Health regarding the information needed.
The ticker symbol for IMS Health Incorporated is RX and it is traded on the New York Stock Exchange.
IM stands for Instant Message.
The acronym that you are talking about can only relate to the Indian Missionary Society, which is Catholic of course. Are you sure you mean IMS and not IHS (Iesus Hominum Salvator)?
IMS Health can be contacted in-person at any of their locations. If no locations are nearby or you simply do not wish to make the trip, their global headquarters can be contacted at anytime via phone as can any local IMS branch. Local branches can all be contacted by phone and email and some can be contacted via Twitter.
159.1 bn USD in 2011 according to IMS Health
IMS India was created in 1977.
ims is the best management college in dehradun .because ims has a best faculty, environment thats the way ims is better than geu
Many people involved in work related to occupational safety and health need to make use of infoormation management systems.
Contact can only receive IMS