it simply means psychiatric illness, that mental illness
Morbidity means the occurring or existence of a disease; more commonly used to describe two illnesses being comorbid such as anxiety is often comorbid with depression. read more about cormorbidity at
Howard Meltzer has written: 'The Social and Economic Circumstances of Adults with Mental Disorders' 'Disabled children' 'Psychiatric Morbidity Report 2 (OPCS Surveys of Psychiatric Morbidity in Great Britain)' 'Day Care Services for Children'
causes of morbidity's in zamboanga city
Another word for morbidity is gloom.
"The patient is at libery to reflect on his morbidity which I believe is poor".
The morbidity and mortality rate of this cosmetic procedure is extremely low
in the context of tubal sterilization, morbidity with tubal ligation is 5%
The morbidity of the patients increased as the supply of medicine dwindled. Morbidity and melancholy were qualities that defined much of the life of Edgar Allan Poe.
in the context of tubal sterilization, morbidity with tubal ligation is 5%
The morbidity and mortality rates for this cosmetic procedure are close to zero.
Obstructive fistula is prevalent in developing countries and accounts for 8 percent of maternal morbidity. Infections especially malaria is the leading cause of maternal morbidity in tropical countries. Other causes of maternal mortality and morbidity are high blood pressure and hemorrhage.
The morbidity rate of Valley fever in California is approximately 1/4 of 1%.
Morbidity is simply a a disease state or condition. Therefore diabetes would be a morbidity.