The United States never became a member of the League of Nations. The people thought that if they joined, they would be forced to join in another nations conflict.
The United States never joined the League of Nations. The loosing countries of World War 1 were not among the initial members but did eventually joined, as did the USSR in 1934. The last nation to join was Egypt, on 26 May 1937.
The USA was never was a member of the League of Nations, so to answer your question nothing different would have happened because they never joined.
It was weakened by American refusal to join.
America for one
Although the US was key to developing the LON, they never joined due to the flawed system.
Although US President Woodrow Wilson had joined with other world leaders in the proposal to create the League of Nations, he had not carefully gaged American opinion on the matter. The US Senate rejected the idea of joining and most Americans agreed with that decision. The Senate and many Americans sought a more isolationist path to foreign policy.
Principally, peace and co-operation between nations. It was the forerunner to the United Nations.
The League of Nations was a government formation resulting of the Treaty of Versailles during World War I. Congress rejected the Treaty of Versailles and reparations that Germany had to pay according to the treaty. Therefore the United States never joined the League of Nations.
No the U.S. never joined, the president at the time, Woodrow Wilson, didn't sign to become a member which is also an area to bee discussed with regards to the collapse of the League.
US with their presedent Woodrow Wilson who insisted on the ;League but never acctually joind. :/
the United States was not a member because Woodrow Wilson the US president lost the general election and due to the American public wanting to not get involved in sorting out what happens in Europe because of the negative effect it had on them in the First World War, the new president was forced not to join the league of nations, even though it was the United States idea of creating it in the first place
The US never joined - the people didn't want to. (1 of the reasons it failed was theis lack of US support)