Yes, they are different acronyms for the same currency. NIS stands for New Israeli Shekel ILS stands for Israeli New Shekel
Israel's currency is the NIS or New Israeli Sheqel. The Sheqel is currently worth approximately $0.27 USD. Note: The NIS is also used in most areas of Gaza and the West Bank as there is no formal Palestinian Bank, but Jordanian Dinars are also in some circulation in the West Bank.
New Israeli Shekel
The currency everywhere in Israel is the New Israeli Shekel (NIS), which trades at roughly 3.6 NIS per US dollar.
The unit of currency in Israel is the New Israel Shekel (NIS) or shekel for short.
As of today 1,100 NIS = US$ 290
Jerusalem's current currency is the New Israel Shekel (NIS) or shekel for short.
It is the Israeli shekel
Israel's currency is comprised of both paper notes and metal coins in various denominations. The unit of Israel's currency is the New Israeli Shekel (NIS), trading in January 2012 at around NIS3.85 = US$1.00 .
The "New Shekel" (ILS) is the currency of Israel. 1 New Shekel is equivalent to about £0.16 GBP or $0.26 USD.
ils sont = they are Note: "ils" is masculine of 'they"; "elles" is the feminine of "they".
Mangent-ils avec le même bol ?