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Example sentence - The major exports for South America are fruits and vegetables.
India expert 100% tea export to United States.
Exports are goods sent out of one country, and imported (brought into) by another country or place. "The tropical islands had many exports of fruits and coconuts, but had to import cars and gasoline."
A sentence using export is the United States imports and exports goods to other countries.
The legislature placed an embargo on arms exports to China.
United States of America exports cotton to some other countries.
The countries imports outweighed their exports resulting in a trade deficit.
The balance of trade (or net) is the difference between monetary value of exports and imports of output in an economy.
Exports to France were haulted. France exports were halted.
what are the major exports of pakistan. and its importance? what are the major exports of pakistan. and its importance? what are the major exports of pakistan. and its importance? what are the major exports of pakistan. and its importance? what are the major exports of pakistan. and its importance?