there are a lot of French hats that are in style these days....... it`s the time of summer so, summer hats are awesome in wearing .
Cloche hats were the felt bell-shaped hats popular in the 1920's. These were fashionable for women. Cloche hats were invented in 1908 by Caroline Reboux. These hats made a comeback in the 1960's.
The type of hat a person enjoys wearing is really subjective. However, crocheted and knitted hats have always been popular during the cold winter months. Modern crocheting techniques allow for many different styles of hats, making it fun as well as stylish.
yes hats kill hair. You will go bald if you hear hats
you say when bunny
no, absolutely no. it is cruel for them.
mummies have been found wearing hats.
yes i can yes i can
The regulation about wearing wooly hats is that it is legal, unless it has long strings of other material that hangs low that other players can grab onto.
Obviously, hats! Scarfs, NO WAY!
NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think that they are really cool!!! ~Gavin~ yeah i agree, hats are cool you just have to know and be confident in wearing them.
Christmas hats, or sleeping hats?