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I.R.A means International Reading Association.

or Individual Retirement Account. (novanet)

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Q: What does the term IRA stand for?
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Related questions

Which is the proper name for a retirement account?

The proper name for a retirement account is "Roth IRA." The term "IRA" stand for Individual Retirement Account whether you are talking about a Roth IRA or another type IRA. Most insurance companies know what you mean whicever term you use.

What does the acronym IRA stand for in IRA funds?

There are some different ideas on the acronym IRA stands for in IRA funds. However, most of people agree with the idea that IRA stands for Individual Retirement Account.

What does IRA stand for in banking?

Individual Retirement Account.

What is IRA account?

The initials stand for....... individual retirement account

What is an IRA account?

The initials stand for....... individual retirement account

What does r in IRA stand for?

The R stands for Retirement. IRA means Individual Retirement Account (or Individual Retirement Arrangement).

What does the term 'IRA mutual funds' mean?

IRA mutual funds are those that are suitable for an IRA. An IRA is otherwise known as an 'Individual Retirement Account'. It is an account designed for retirees in the US.

I have a term ira at alaska usa credit union can i transfer it to a term ira at bank of america with a pentaly?

When you transfer an IRA to an IRA there is not a penalty but if the IRA is in a certificate that has a maturity date the bank will charge a penalty if it is withdrawn before the maturity date. Every bank has different penalty amounts (usually 6-12 months interest)

What do the initials of the terrrorist group IRA stand for?

Irish Republican Army.

What does the term SEP- IRA mean?

The term SEP IRA stands for Simplified Employee Pension Individual Retirement Account. It is a retirement plan that is established by the employer or employee.

How do you spell Ira?

That is one spelling of the male given name Ira. Similar names are Ara, Ari, and Uri. The acronym IRA can stand for Irish Republican Army or Individual Retirement Account.

What does the letter r in the term IRA stand for?

It could mean Republican, as in Irish Republican Army, or Retirement, as in Individual Retirement Account, or Reorganization, as in Indian Reorganization Act. Lots of acronyms.