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If one is looking to purchase Adidas soccer shoes they are available at many sporting good stores as well as online. These shoes are available from Foot Locker, Sport Chek and Adidas stores but are also available online from Amazon or eBay.

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11y ago
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12y ago

As I know the Bundesliga and Championsleague's balls are made in Pakistan!

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13y ago

the ones used in the 2010 world cup where made in china! suprise, suprise!

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11y ago

If you want to be sure you are getting an original Adidas soccer ball, the best place to buy one is through the official Adidas store. They sell several different types of soccer balls.

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What a soccer ball is used for?

A soccer ball is used to play soccer. Adidas, Puma and Nike make soccer balls. The best soccer balls are FIFA approved.

Where could one purchase Adidas soccer balls?

You can purchase Adidas soccer balls at your local Walmart,Target, or Dick's Sporting Goods. You can also purchase one online through the Amazon web store.

What is the patent number for a soccer ball?

Soccer balls as a concept are not patented; there are dozens of patents for specific designs, makeups, and improvements to soccer balls and their manufacture.

Who makes soccer balls?

Who makes soccer balls?mostly, homless kids in Pakistan or any other 3rd world country. Nike, Adidas and all the leading brands do this.

Who makes the balls for the World Cup games?

Adidas has been making the soccer balls for the FIFA World Cup games since 1970. There have been various designs, styles and names for each of the balls released.

Are there defenders in soccer who wear Adidas f50 soccer cleats?

YES!! The ADIDAS f50 cleats were made as soccer cleats therefore soccer palyes wear them as soccer cleats!!

Adidas soccer balls and how there made?

hi,you can accessa wensite which hava cheapest 2010 world cup soccer ball

Why in jalandhar balls are manufactured?

for Adidas

Where can you get soccer tops?

you can get soccer tops from the Adidas store or you can get soccer tops from dicks sporting goods.

When did Adidas start sponsoring soccer events?

Beginning in the 1960's Adidas began to manufacturer shoes for sports that were not well known or popular. By the 1970's Adidas had sponsored it first soccer events.

What are the litest soccer cleats?

Adidas cleats