Malmo is located in Sweden. It is in the most southern province of Scania.
Malmö is in Sweden. It is the third largest city in Sweden and is located in the southern part of the country, near the coast.
Approximate in miles from Malmo Sweden to Toronto Canada is 3909 miles or 6289.58 Kilometers
939 miles
About 26 miles
You can get a car for hire in Malmo from the Trip Advisor website. Alternatively, you can also get these cars for hire online from websites such as Expedia.
Sweden is a relatively expensive country to visit and Trip Advisor quotes the price range for hotels in Malmo as between å£74 to å£182 per night. The price is dependent on the standard of the hotel, plus its location and amenities.
1,004 miles
845 mies
About 170 miles
276 Kms
385 miles