Country codes beginning with +22 are in West Africa, but you need the next digit to identify the specific country.
.0022 is 22/10000 or 11/5000
'00' is not part of the country code, it is a commonly used international access prefix. Country code +249 is Sudan.
0022 is the same as 22 and in scientific notation it is: 2.2*10^1
twenty-two ten-thousandths.
The phone number of the African Meeting House is: 617-725-0022.
The phone number of the Oaklands Historic Site is: 615-893-0022.
The address of the Marathon Public Library is: 306 W Attica, Marathon, 50565 0022
The common one is from kilograms. if you multiply kg by 2.2 you get it in lbs. if it's grams, you multiply by .0022 (or multiply by 454)
The phone number of the Sandy Spring Museum is: 301-774-0022.