It is very common~ In fact, NOT having worms in your body is uncommon.
tape worms
Scientists believe this because they have a similar body model.
The most common type of worms that can end up as a tangled mass and block body ducts are heartworms. It is also possible for roundworms to cause blockage of the intestines in some cases.
The common name of annelids is segmented worms.
Yes, worms are classified based on their body shapes and structures. There are various types of worms, such as flatworms, roundworms, and segmented worms, each with distinct body structures that help define their classification.
wat do all the worms have in common
fleshy body.
worms because when it rains the worms come out of soil and usually, centipedes dont
What does it mean when you have dreams about worms coming out of your body..Picking them out of your body..Cutting them out..etc..
No. Various worms or parasites can live in the human body... tape worms, guinea worms, loa loa (eye worm), or scabies but not snakes.
They are mammals
body muscle