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The answer is that earthworms help to build soil and fertilize

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Q: How do earthworms aid in weathering?
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Can earthworms cause physical weathering?

not really.

How can earthworms cause weathering?

by rain and wind

What kind of worms have setae to aid in locomotion?


What processes aid in the formation of sediments?

Weathering and erosion

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In what way can an animal cause mechanical weathering?

Earthworms tunnel through the soil and move soil particles around. The motion breaks some particles into smaller particles. It also exposes fresh surfaces to continued weathering.

What way can an animal cause mechanical weathering?

Earthworms tunnel through the soil and move soil particles around. The motion breaks some particles into smaller particles. It also exposes fresh surfaces to continued weathering

How do bristles help earthworms?

The bristles are called setae or chaetae. They are 's' shaped and are made up of chitine. They aid in locomotion.

How do living organisims aid in weathering?

Organisms can aid in both chemical and mechanical weathering. Roots of any plant will expand into rock and force it to break apart. Additionally some organisms like lichen exude acids that help to break down rock surfaces.

Do snail or earthworms travel faster?

earthworms travel faster

What bacteria are in earthworms?

The bacteria in earthworms is called Eisenia Fetida it's in most earthworms