Only males sing and only females have an ovipositor.
They don't need to. Male crickets make their sounds to atract females or to ward off males on teir territory. Females don't need to do that stuff.
Well yeah. Male crickets chirp by rubbing their wings together; as for females I'm not quite sure, but they CAN chirp. I have had many many crickets; they all chirped. Im thinking I didn't ALWAYS get males.... ?
They always chirp Only male crickets chirp.
Their constant chirping is how they call for females.
why cant u tell are u both
Courting behavior are behaviors used by males &females to attract one another for mateing....The female silk moth attracts the male by giveing off a pheremone that is carried by wind currents, males can detect the oder of the chemical with their antennae. Crickets make sounds, the male uses these sounds to attract females .
that males cant have babies and females can! lol i think
Males should not be with females during pregnancy or birth. It cant be with the babies until they are big. The male will eat the babies. You have to separate them after they mate
That's the 'ovipositer' that females have - they lay eggs through it into the dirt.
only male crickets chirp.
Crickets reproduce sexually. The male cricket produces a sperm packet called a spermatophore, which is transferred to the female during mating. The female then lays eggs, which hatch into immature crickets called nymphs.