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Q: What does echinoderms mean?
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Holothuroidea is a class of echinoderms including the sea cucumbers.

What kingdom are echinoderms in?

Echinoderms are in the Animalia kingdom.

What is the scientific name for Echinoderms?

The scientific name for Echinoderms is Echinodermata.

What phylum do echinoderms belong to?

Echinoderms belong to the phylum Echinodermata.

What does echinoderm mean Greek?

Echinoderm means "Spiny-Skinned" in Greek. For more information, look at "What does echinoderms mean in greek?"

Echinoderms are parasitic or not?

As of yet, there is no known species of parasitic echinoderms.

Do echinoderms live in salt water?

Yes Eventually echinoderms do live in water.

Which group of invertebrates have a water vascular system and tube feet?

Echinodermates possess a water vascular system.

How do echinoderms raise their young?

Echinoderms are born as zooplankton. There is no parental care.

In what environment do all echinoderms live?

Echinoderms live only in the sea.

Do Echinoderms have backbone?

No not all Echinoderms have backbones like the starfish

What part of the ocean do echinoderms live?

Echinoderms are marine animals, which means they reside in the ocean. Echinoderms are found from the intertidal zone to the abyssal zone.