A brown spider with a yellow stripe on its head is a wolf spider. The wolf spider may sometimes have an orange stripe on their head also.
your mummy spider
this is a common fishing spider... common to all of north America although not venomous they will bite if it feels threatened.
i think it would b a tarantula
Not enough information to answer this question without knwing location of spider and season.
it could be a Brown Prioia and its scientific name is Ortosomo Brunnem
The brown spider with a thick white stripe down its back sounds like a Zebra Spider (Salticus scenicus). It is a common jumping spider found in the UK. Zebra spiders are known for their distinctive black and white striped markings on their bodies. They are harmless to humans and are beneficial as they help control insect populations.
Spiders with brown stripe legs and a green body could potentially be orb-weaver spiders like Araneus gemmoides, which has a greenish abdomen and brown-striped legs. Another possibility is a green lynx spider (Peucetia viridans) which has green coloration and may have some brown on the legs. However, additional information or a photo would be helpful for a more precise identification.
It may be a Garden orb-weaving spider, "Most are stout, reddish-brown or grey spiders with a leaf-shaped pattern on their fat, roughly triangular abdomens, which also have two noticeable humps towards the front. They sometimes have a dorsal stripe which may be white or brown edged with white." this is the site i found helped me. http://www.amonline.net.au/factSheets/orb_weaving_spiders.htm
You can by looking at their stripe of brown and seeing if it is big or small.
Spider monkey are kinda tiny they are usually black or brown. They have big eyes and small faces they are also sometimes really furry.
It is a poisoinus spider wich is also deadly. SO DON'T TOUCH IT.