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Q: Can a 13 year old get a job legally?
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Where can a 13 year old find a job in Los Angeles California?

You can't legally get a job until you are 16.

Where can two mature 13 year old girls find a job in Georgia?

13 Year olds cannot legally get jobs. The minimum age in the US is fourteen to get a job.

Can a 13 year old cousin legally move in with you?

yeah if they have no money and there parents loss there job its ok

Where can a 13-year-old in Washinghton state get a job?

Um, sorry but i think the to be able to work legally, you have to be 14

Where can a 13 year old find a job on Long Island?

In order to have a paying job legally on long island you must be at least 14 years of age.

How old to work?

The legal age is when you are older than 13 years old is when you can legally have a job

Can a 13 year old marry a 19 year old?

Not in any of the US states. Not legally.

Where can a 13 year old get a job in Los Angeles?

no a 13 year old can't get a job in Los Angeles because he isn't old enough.........

How do you apply for a job at 13 on the internet?

thirteen year old are not legally eligible to work in the state of texas. therefore no teen who is thirteen can find a job; neither online nor personally.

How much would they pay if you had a job at 13 years old?

13 year olds are, in the US, not legally allowed to perform any but a small list of suggested jobs. You could reasonably expect minimum wage, if you could find someone who had a job you could legally do and was willing to hire you.

What job can a 13 year old girl do?

My first job at 13 was baby-sitting.

Can a 17 year old legally date a 13 year in the state of Nevada Will he be arrested if there dating?

As far as I know you can legally date a 13 year old if you are 17 but having a sexual relationship is a whole other story.