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If you would like to get a work permit go to your local school official designated as issuing officer or go to your city workforce development center and provide a copy of a birth certificate, passport, or copy of baptismal record. They will then give you a form to fill out for Child Labor Form. It asks your age, name, address, city, age, height, weight, hair color, eye color, last school grade completed, minors signature, parent signature, parent last name, first name, work phone, issuing officers name and title, mailing address, city/zip/state, issuing officers signature, business name, business addresss, businesss phone number, type of business, job duties, list equipment- machine chemicles and tools if used. You can then have one! Good Luck!

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13y ago
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15y ago

no, the superintendant has to sign it, trust me, i cant get one cause of my grades

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14y ago

Wow?!?! You want to ditch school to work? Get a job after school!?!?

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Q: How do you get a work permit outside of school?
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What does furnish a work permit mean?

To furnish a work permit you must, visit your school counselor and ask for a work permit. Your counselor will help you. The permit will need to be signed by both school and work. The work will then file it.

Where can i get a work permit in Cleveland Ohio?

Your local school district will issue you a work permit.

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In fact you do need a work permit to get a job at sixteen in G.A. However you can get a work permit thru your school counselor.

Can a 15-year-old get a work permit?

Check their school office. If they're enrolled in a school, they'll need a school permit to work.

In Indiana where does a student get a work permit if he attends a private school that does not issue them?

the student can go to the locial high school or city hall and ask if they can get a work permit.

Can you work in apple valley without a work permit?

If you are under 18 years of age, you need to have a work permit in order to work in Apple Valley. You can get a work permit through your local high school.

Do children need a permit to work?

If a teenager wants a job, and under the age of 18 they must get a work permit from their school.

How does a teen get a work permit in Oklahoma?

An Oklahoma work permit is needed if teenagers want to work. An issuing officer provides the permit for individuals who are between 16 and 17.

How old do youi have to be to work at target?

16 and a half with a work permit from school.

Can a seventeen year old get a work permit on line?

Get it from school.

How can you get a permit to work at a salon?

You got to school and get it there. Like phagens.

Were can you get a work permit if your 14 and arent in high school yet?

If your under 16 you should have one. you can get them at dmvs