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Either increase its volume, decrease its mass, or both.

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Q: How do you make the density of an object smaller?
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What are some ways to make the density of an object smaller?

you can either change the volume or the mass

Does density depend on the size of an object?

No. If an object is homogeneous, then you can cut it up into a bazillion smaller pieces, and every piece has the same density as the original object had.

Do eyes make object smaller?

No, eyes do not make objects smaller. The image of an object on the retina is smaller than the object itself.

Does the density of an object depend on its size?

The density of an object is directly correlated with the amount of mass contained in the object. For example, a small object containing a large amount of mass has more density than a larger object with a smaller amount of mass.

Will a density of 2.7 float?

Is this the density of a liquid or an object? If this is the density of a liquid and you want to make an object float, than the density of the object should be less than 2.7. If this is the density of an object you are trying to make float, than the density of the liquid should be greater than 2.7.

Will oil make an object float or sink?

It depends on the density of the object and the density of the oil. If the object has a higher density than the oil, it will sink. If the object has a lower density than the oil, it will float.

Does the shape of an object change its density?

Changing the shape CAN change the density. If you change it into a smaller shape, then you increase the density. However the mass will not change.

What is the density of a big object vs the smaller object of the same material?

The density of both objects will be the same regardless of their size if they are made of the same material. Density is a physical property of a material that remains constant regardless of the object's size or shape.

What is volume weight and density?

volume is how much space is in an object (an object with more volume would be bigger) weight is how heavy an object feels due to gravity (an object with more weight would be harder to lift) density is how much matter is in an amount of space (an object with more density would weigh as much as an object with less density but in a smaller space/volume)

Why does smaller object have more density than bigger object?

Smaller objects tend to have more density than larger objects because their mass is concentrated in a smaller volume, making their particles more tightly packed together. In contrast, larger objects have their mass distributed over a larger volume, leading to lower density.

Can a small object have more density than a large object?

Yes, a small object can have more density than a large object if the small object has more mass compared to its volume. Density is calculated as mass per unit volume, so an object with greater mass and smaller volume will have higher density.

. Describe density if two objects have the same mass but different volumes?

Density is a measure of how tightly packed the mass of an object is within its volume. If two objects have the same mass but different volumes, the object with the smaller volume will have a higher density as the mass is concentrated in a smaller space. Conversely, the object with the larger volume will have a lower density as the mass is spread out over a larger area.