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DO NOT USE NIACIN!!!! It can give you a heart attack no matter your age. You can buy cleaners at health stores or tobacco stores it is worth the money. Just make sure you follow the directions, do not drink lots of water or you will fail a dt. If you have a few days you can drink 64oz in 24 hours but the clenser is the best bet.

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Q: How long does it take for niacin to clean THC out your system?
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What if you take azithromycin for chlamydia then take niacin to flush your system?

Not sure. But since niacin does not clean drugs out of your system, it's really a moot point.

How long will it take niacin 250 to cleanse marijuana out of your system?

niacin will not clear out your system, only time will

How many niacin do it take to clean your system?

How many niacin pills do you got to take to clean weed out of your system? 7-10 taking one a day and drinking lots of fluids.

How long until niacin cleans your system?

niacin is a B vitamin, used to "flush" your system of cholesterol and/or drugs. I do not know why you would want the actual niacin out of your system, rather than the unwanted substances. Check your food labels, they all have a daily dose of niacin in them. Your body naturally needs it. Unless you've overdosed on some medical attention! =) this answer is gae as f***!

How long does it take to flush you system with niacin?

No, Flush Free Niacin does not clean out your system. It is meant to assist with heart and cardiovascular wellness, circulation, and it contributes to energy metabolism.

What type of niacin tablets do you take to clean out your system?

Niacin does not clean drugs -- ANY drug -- from your system. And massive doses of niacin can be toxic. In extreme cases this could result in liver failure, and at the very least it will be extremely unpleasant. See the Related Link below for more information.

How many nanograms does one niacin pill take out your system?

Niacin does not clean drugs -- any drug -- out of your system. It is entirely useless for that purpose. See the Related Questions below for more information.

How many niacan pills do you need to take to get clean urine?

Niacin does not clean drugs -- any drug -- out of your system. And massive doses of niacin can be toxic. In extreme cases this could result in liver failure, and at the very least it will be extremely unpleasant. See the Related Link and Question below for more information.

How long will it take niacin to get percocets out of your system?

Answer#1Niacin has no effect on serum oxycodone levels.

I am about 87 lbs and 4 11 how much niacin can i take to clean my system?

Niacin for drug cleansing is a very popular myth. It is often used for "cleansing" after marijuana usage. It does not work. If anything, high doses of niacin can be pretty dangerous. THC stores in the body's fat cells, and it will metabolize out all on its own. If you are not a heavy user, it does not take very long.

Will niacin clean your system of narcotics?

Unfortunately, no. Niacin can be used as a supplement to help with high cholesterol, though. You're probably thinking this way because you heard the term niacin "flush", but this does not refer to flushing your system, but rather the flushing (like blushing), prickly sensation it causes in your skin after you take it.

How long do you have to take niacin to clear your system of THC?

Niacin does not clean drugs -- any drug -- from your system. This is a myth. See the Related Questions below for more information.