Do you mean actual time off or time away from teaching duties? Time away from teaching duties includes several weeks at Christmas and the summer. Actual time off, however, can vary from professor to professor. If a professor has an active research agenda - and many are required to - they probably work for almost the entire summer. If they don't, they probably teach summer school. For almost almost all professors, the "Christmas break" time is used to prepare syllabi for the spring semester. So time away from teaching does not by any means equal "vacation" time. I probably take 2-3 weeks actual vacation time a year. The rest of the time, I'm working on teaching, research and committee responsibilities.
what is the vacation time of geologist
A professor can both work in a company and teach in a university at the same time, since the work at the company can be part time.Many universities allow this because it is one of the means to make the person earn more.
how much is the vaction time for a athletic trainer
There is NO US law that mandates that any employee is entitled to any vacation time ... So the time that one gets for vacation is at the employers discretion ...
1 millennium
4 weeks
Vacation time is determined by each employer individually, so it will depend on what organization you end up working for.
Yes, Maya Angelou was an English professor at Wake Forest University in North Carolina. She taught various courses in American studies, writing, and poetry during her time as a professor.
3 days a year
depends on where you work and what position
More than it dserves